Anthea Security - Segurança Privada Premium
Serviços premium integrados de segurança.
Inovação e Segurança Premium.
Anthea Security - Segurança Privada Premium
Sistemas eletrónicos de segurança de alta performance.
A tecnologia mais avançada do mercado.

Especialistas nas áreas da
segurança privada humana
e eletrónica.

Somos uma equipa de especialistas nas áreas da segurança privada humana e eletrónica, que acompanha o mercado inovando a cada dia, para lhe entregar serviços premium integrados.

Desenvolvemos e desenhamos soluções à medida dos requisitos dos nossos clientes porque acreditamos que a sua satisfação é o nosso sucesso e a nossa melhor carta de recomendação.

Os nossos Valores:
Espírito de Equipa

Os melhores serviços
de Segurança Privada

A nossa estratégia de atuação assenta no estabelecimento de relações de confiança, que se traduzem na apresentação de soluções caraterizadas pela otimização do binómio custo/benefício e pelo elevado grau de excelência e qualidade dos serviços que prestamos.
Proteção completa com sistemas personalizados
Os nossos sistemas de segurança
Prestamos serviços de dimensionamento e instalação de sistemas de segurança eletrónica de acordo com as suas necessidades e especificidades.
Aproveite a mais recente tecnologia em segurança eletrónica com os produtos de alta qualidade da Anthea Security.
Consultoria de Segurança
Providenciamos as melhores soluções de segurança para o seu negócio
Através da recolha de informações inerentes ao seu negócio, à sua empresa e ao contexto social e económico em que se insere, identificamos todos os riscos e ameaças que se colocam à sua organização. A nossa missão é identificar medidas para mitigar, prevenir e anular esses riscos e ameaças.
Diagnóstico: Identificação de Business as Usual e de futuras necessidades
Análise: Identificação de ameaças, das medidas preventivas, corretivas e das soluções técnicas adequadas às necessidades. Validação do plano através de auditorias de segurança.
Desenvolvimento de soluções Integradas de Security & Safety

Realizado por especialistas com formação académica e experiência profissional comprovada.

Emergency notification
Just Don’t Worry.

We Take Care Of Everything For Your Home!

Emergency notification
Smart elevator controls
And much more
Convenient System Access By Phone Or Tablet
Trusted Analytics that Give Meaning To Security Data.
Our experts have undertaken system projects of all sizes and scopes, whether you need security system integration for your corporate office or retail store, an enterprise solution for multiple manufacturing buildings, or a complex integration for a stadium, university, hospital, or corporate campus. With over 60 offices across the World, we are leading the security system integrators with a global reach and local touch.
The peace of mind I have now is so comforting, knowing when I leave home I can still check in on my husband to make sure all is well.
Martin Qube Jr

Explore Our Case Studies & Latest Sucess Stories.

For the Security and IT directors ensuring our places of work and leisure are safe. For the Chief Technology Officers shaping the smart businesses of tomorrow. We delivers powerful and insightful security solutions that enable protectors to drive forward.

We understand that in a complex world, it is not enough to solve the challenges of today, we need to be ready for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Getting The Right Fire Alarm Detection System Online

The systems feature manual call and sounder devices wirelessly linked to main panel. Whilst wireless systems are more expensive than hard wired standard versions, they negate the.....
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Helping Manufacturers With Workplace Essential Safety

As a key manufacturer of pharmaceutical and medical packaging, they have a workforce that has been designated as its packaging is used with a wide range of medical equipment......
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Vendors With Resources To Deliver Safety & Security

Smaller security companies may not have adequate means to support the longevity of thier projects, this generally isn't an issue for larger companies, but beware not all......
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Home Security For The Front And Back Of Your House

Your home is your castle, and you want to do everything possible to protect it. Whether it’s keeping unwanted guests from entering your home or protecting children from a broken....
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Expert’s Guide To Security For Rental Properties

There used to be a time when all you could do as a landlord was hand over the keys and hope your renters would respect your property, that isn’t the case anymore, with transformi...
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The Comprehensive Guide To Smart Doorbell Camera

Keeping your house safe even when you aren’t at home is important to many of us. Whether you have a family, pets, or important assets to secure, it can be helpful to have home......
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A confiança dos nossos clientes é a nossa maior conquista.

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Please complete the form below, to request a quote, and we’ll be in touch. Or you can call us 01061245741 and our specialists will provide the necessary help!

    Home Or Business?
    System Size:
    Own Or Rent?

    Security Promotions

    Our highly trained technicians will set-up your security system so you don’t have to. They’ll show you how to work your equipment so you’re up to speed on.
    Enterprise level Network Video Recorders
    Streaming video over network or Internet
    Networked systems with distributed video
    Advanced management video software
    Intelligent video technology storage
    Best Value
    Security Tips & Resources

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